Inside out
Jodori Khiang - Community Artfest, Taipei.
Collaborative, environmental tapestry, recycled foam. Inside Out is a collaborative environmental tapestry inspired by Japanese bamboo basketry. This sophisticated tradition is translated in a critical and contemporary way with this intervention that speaks about the overproduction of goods and overconsumption habits in our modern society.
The installation is made of recycled foam, the waste material of a company that produces boxes: containers for pliers and scissors. The shapes of these tools are still visible and recall the primary function of the colourful plastic. Using craft techniques and a slow mode of making, industrial wasted materials are re-introduced into the circle of usability, becoming accessible to the public in an urban outdoor setting. A project in collaboration with 再生藝術工坊 CRC – Creative Reuse Centre- Taipei.
Tapestry weavers: 李韻蒨(Lee Yun-Chien), 徐凌煊, 陳育信(Chen Yu-Sin)、 白宇心(Sequoia)、吳芷麟(Tiffany Gaw)、楊麗玲(Yang Mao)、吳啟芃(Wu Chi-Pong)、管杏鳳(Margarita Kuwang), Elena Redaelli.