A little spider can make much more complex things
Site responsive, environmental installation.
Roots, fallen trees, hidden life, time, mutation, observation, cleaning and discovery.
The forest has an invisible vitality, running below its ground, inside the tree trunks, in the leaves, into the drops of water. It has a hidden power beyond the human senses, a life made of lines, roots, mushrooms, sap, small insects, water, and bacteria. While perceiving this pulsing vivacity, nothing else is needed. The forest has everything, gives everything, and holds an inner balance where humans can only find a place by learning to interact carefully.
This project explores human boundaries, investigating the relations with an overwhelming and almost pure nature. Body movements and thoughts change informed by the ways of the environment. The artistic action, starting from a beautiful and majestic tree, pursues the roots' vital lines to understand their path inside the forest ground. The human intervention extends these lines above the ground into the space by composing different fallen branches into a long, human-made root. The secret history of the dead branches, hidden under the bark's first layer, is unveiled and brought to light.
AGA Abidjan Green'Arts, Ivory Coast